

The majority of the Marxist books published by Wellred Books are also available as audiobooks. These are another tool in our revolutionary arsenal that can arm communists with the best ideas to build the forces of Marxism.


Audiobook: Class Struggle in the Roman Republic by Alan Woods
Audiobook: Women, Family and the Russian Revolution by John Roberts
Audiobook: Writings on Britain by Leon Trotsky
Audiobook: The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte by Karl Marx
Audiobook: Ireland: Republicanism and Revolution by Alan Woods
Audiobook: The Revolutionary Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg by Marie Frederiksen
Audiobook: The Class Struggles In France: 1848-1850 by Karl Marx
Audiobook: The History of Philosophy: A Marxist Perspective by Alan Woods
Audiobook: The Civil War in France by Karl Marx
Audiobook: Materialism and Empirio-Criticism by V.I. Lenin
Audiobook: Origin of the Family by Friedrich Engels
Audiobook: Chartist Revolution by Rob Sewell
Audiobook: The First Five Years of the Communist International by Leon Trotsky
Audiobook: The Permanent Revolution and Results and Prospects by Leon Trotsky
Audiobook: Marxism and the USA by Alan Woods
Audiobook: Spain's revolution against Franco. The Great Betrayal by Alan Woods
Audiobook: The First World War: A Marxist Analysis of the Great Slaughter by Alan Woods
Audiobook: In Defence of Marxism by Leon Trotsky
Audiobook: Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism by V.I. Lenin
Audiobook: Permanent Revoluton in Latin America by John Roberts and Jorge Martin
Audiobook: The Revolutionary Philosophy of Marxism
Audiobook: Germany 1918-1933, socialism or barbarism by Rob Sewell
Audiobook: The Ideas of Karl Marx by Alan Woods
Audiobook: What is to be Done? by V.I. Lenin
Audiobook: Understanding Capital
Audiobook: My Life by Leon Trotsky
Audiobook: Russia, from Revolution to Counterrevolution by Ted Grant
Audiobook: Bolshevism: The Road to Revolution by Alan Woods
Audiobook: Anti-Dühring by Friedrich Engels
Audiobook: China: From Permanent Revolution to Counter-revolution by John Roberts
Audiobook: The Classics of Marxism volume 2
Audiobook: What Is Marxism? by Alan Woods, Friedrich Engels, Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Rob Sewell, V.I. Lenin
Audiobook: The Revolution Betrayed by Leon Trotsky
Audiobook: Marxism and anarchism
Audiobook: Germany: From Revolution to Counter-Revolution by Rob Sewell
Audiobook: Ted Grant: the permanent revolutionary
Audiobook: Reason in Revolt: Marxist Philosophy and Modern Science by Alan Woods, Ted Grant
Audiobook: Revolution and Counter-revolution in Spain by Felix Morrow
Audiobook: Ted Grant Selected Works volume 1. Stalinism and the class nature of the Soviet Union
Audiobook: Lenin, Trotsky and the Theory of the Permanent Revolution
Audiobook: In the Cause of Labour by Rob Sewell
Audiobook: History of British Trotskyism by Ted Grant
Audiobook: Lenin and Trotsky, what they really stood for by Alan Woods and Ted Grant